About the Company

A Leader in infrastructure construction and production of construction materials, Groma Hold is a Bulgarian private company established in 1995. For over 20 years the Company has completed more than 300 individual sites including infrastructure projects, water supply and sewer systems, high rises, sports facilities and arenas. Groma Hold has constructed over 70 kilometers of highways and more than 1,000 kilometers of new and rehabilitated roads part of Bulgaria’s National Road Network. The Company has also laid down 10 kilometers of railroad and over 1,000 kilometers of water supply and sewer networks.

Groma Hold is responsible for the seasonal maintenance of 1,000 kilometers of road infrastructure including 100 kilometers of highway.

Between 2011 and 2016 alone Groma Hold implemented projects worth 200 million Euro. The Company works on the realization of projects funded through Operational Program Transport, Operational Program Transport and Transport Infrastructure, Operational Program Regions in Growth, Operational Program Development, the Agriculture Fund, municipal and state financing.

Main Line of Business


Construction, repair and rehabilitation of roads, seasonal (winter and summer) road maintenance.


Mining and processing aggregates is another of the Groma Hold ’s core operations which ensures the Company has the materials it needs to support its entire production cycle.


With its annual output of about 300,000 cubic meters, Groma Hold is one of the leading producers of concrete in Bulgaria.


Constructing water supply, sewer, and gas distribution systems is one of the Company’s core operations.

A Year in Numbers

The number of employees of the group of companies. More than 300 of those are highly qualified personnel and engineers.
tons of produced and installed asphalt
cubic meters of concrete and concrete products produced and installed
cubic meters of aggregates produced at our facilities


Groma Hold Supports Theater

Groma Hold continued what has become its tradition – to support cultural events in Blagoevgrad. The company sponsored The LITTLE BIRD that went COO, a play that made its debut at the Nikola [...]

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