Groma Hold operates its own certified and accredited laboratory for testing and analysis of construction materials. The laboratory is accredited in accordance with BDS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2006. The facility is outfitted with cutting-edge equipment and instruments and is run by a team of highly qualified experts making sure all testing and sampling of aggregates, asphalt mixes, soils, etc. is conducted up to the highest standards of quality.


Products subject to testing

1. Aggregates for road pavements, bases and concrete
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
1.1 Determination of particle size distribution BDS EN933-1
1.2 Distribution of particles sized
< 0,063 mm
< 0.075
BDS EN933-1
АSТМ C 117
1.3 Washable particles BDS EN12620 /НA
1.4 Determination of clay and other foreign matter BS 812 – 1
BDS EN12620 /НA
1.5 Determination of fines BDS EN 12620
1.6 Determination of particle size BDS EN12620 /НA
1.7 Determination of crushed particles BDS EN933-5
1.8 Flat particles index BDS EN933-3
1.9 Shape index BDS EN933-3
1.10 Distribution of flat and elongated particles BDS EN12620 /НA
1.11 Sand equivalent AASHTO T176
BDS EN 933-8
1.12 Determination of fineness, methylene blue method BDS EN 933-9
1.13 Abrasion resistance, Micro Deval Index BDS EN 1097-1
1.14 Resistance to crushing, Los Angeles Index BDS EN 1097-2
1.15 Resistance to crushing under static load BDS EN12620 /НA
1.16 Resistance to polishing and surface abrasion BDS EN 1097-8
1.17 Loss of mass during freeze-thaw resistance tests BDS EN 1367-1
BDS EN12620 /НA
1.18 Resistance to sodium sulphate AASHTO T 104
BDS EN12620 /НA
1.19 Resistance,  magnesium sulphate solution test BDS EN 1367-2
1.20 Loose bulk density and voids BDS EN 1097-3
1.21 Particle density BDS EN 1097-6
1.22 Absorption BDS EN 1097-6
1.23 Specific surface AASHTO T 84
1.24 Volume stability, drying shrinkage BDS EN 1367-4
1.25 Mica schist content BDS EN12620 /НA
1.26 Bitumen adhesion to mineral aggregate BDS 11685
BDS EN 12697-11
1.27 California bearing ratio AASHTO T193
BDS EN 13286-47
1.28 Proctor dry compaction test AASHTO T180
BDS EN 13286-2
1.29 Water content BDS EN 1097-5
BDS EN 13286-46
1.30 Plasticity indicator Ordinance 1:2000 as amended and supplemented on 20. 12. 2005
Schedule 17
1.31 Liquid limit Ordinance 1:2000 as amended and supplemented on 20. 12. 2005
Schedule 16
2. Stone dust
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
2.1 Determination of particle size distribution BDS EN933-10
2.2 Hazardous fine particles content determination BDS EN 933-9
2.3 Water content determination BDS EN 1097-5
2.4 Determination of bulk density BDS EN 1097-3
2.5 Plasticity Index ASTM D 4318
2.6 Voids BDS EN 1097-4
3. Asphalt mixes
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
3.1 Particle size determination BDS EN 12697-2
3.2 Determination of soluble binder content AASHTO T 164
BDS EN 12697-1
3.3 Determination of bulk density BDS EN 12697-6
3.4 Indirect tensile strength BDS EN 12697-23
3.5 Water sensitivity of asphalt test specimens BDS EN 12697-12
3.6 Determining the size of asphalt test specimens BDS EN 12697-29
3.7 Determination of maximum density AASHTO T 209
BDS EN 12697-5
3.8 Calculation of air voids percentage BDS EN 12697-8
3.9 Marshall stability/resistance testing ASTM D 1559
BDS EN 12697-34
3.10 Plastic flow ASTM D 1559
BDS EN 12697-34
3.11 Temperature BDS EN 12697–13
4. Bitumen
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
4.1 Penetration BDS EN 1426
4.2 Softening point (ring-and-ball method) AASHTO T 53
BDS EN 1427
4.3 Ductility AASHTO T 51
4.4 Indirect tensile strength BDS EN 12697-23
5. Bituminous Mixes
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
5.1 Subsidence BDS EN 12350-2
5.2 Vebe testing BDS EN 12350-3
5.3 Density BDS EN 12350-6
6. Concrete
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
6.1 Compression strength BDS EN 12390-3
6.2 Bending strength BDS EN 12390-5
6.3 Tensile strength BDS EN 12390-6
6.4 Density BDS EN 12390-7
6.5 Water permeability testing BDS EN 12390-8
6.6 Probable strength BDS EN 12504-2
6.7 Freeze resistance BDS EN 206-1 /НA
7. Cement
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
7.1 Strength BDS EN 196-1
7.2 Setting time BDS EN 196-3
7.3 Volume stability BDS EN 196-3
8. Soils
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
8.1 Water content BDS 644
8.2 Particle size distribution and size variation index AASHTO T 88
BDS 2762
8.3 Distribution of particles sized below 0,075 mm (sieve test) BDS 2762
8.4 Plasticity indicator Ordinance 1:2000 as amended and supplemented on 20.12.2005, Schedule 17
8.5 Liquid limit Ordinance 1:2000 as amended and supplemented on 20.12.2005, Schedule 16 AASHTO T89
8.6 Atterberg limits BDS 648
8.7 Specific density BDS 646
8.8 Maximum skeletal density at optimum water content BDS 17146
BDS 3214
8.9 Bulk density BDS 647
8.10 Skeletal bulk density BDS 647
8.11 CBR bearing index value Ordinance 2000  as amended and supplemented on 20.12.2005, Schedule 19
9. Earth and Rock Enbankments and Foundations
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
9.1 Elastic modulus BDS 15130
9.2 Deformation modulus BDS 15130
9.3 Bulk density under normal conditions BDS 647
Methods for in-situ determination of bulk density – sand replacement
9.4 Skeletal bulk density BDS 647
Methods for in-situ determination of bulk density – sand replacement
10. Asphalt Pavement
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
10.1 Asphalt test specimen size AASHTO T 166
BDS EN 12697–36
10.2 Density and degree of compaction AASHTO T 230
10.3 Maximum gap under straightedge BDS EN 13036-7
11. Concrete products
# Test Type / Characteristics Test Methods (Standard / Validated Method)
11.1 Dimensions
– Pavers
– Slates
– Curbs
BDS EN 1338
BDS EN 1339
BDS EN 1340
11.2 Splitting tensile strength BDS EN 1338
11.3 Water absorption
– Pavers
– Slates
– Curbs
BDS EN 1338
BDS EN 1339
BDS EN 1340
11.4 Bending tensile strength
– Slates
– Curbs
BDS EN 1339
BDS EN 1340


# Product Name Sampling Method
1. Quarried materials for road pavements, bases, and concrete Testing to determine the main characteristics of rock materials.
Part 1. Sampling methods, BDS EN 932–1
Testing to determine the main characteristics of rock materials
Part 2. Laboratory sample reduction methods, BDS EN 932-2
Standard mineral material sampling methods, AASHTO T 2
2. Stone dust for asphalt mixes Stone dust for asphalt mixes, BDS 2880
Standard method for sieve analysis of stone dust samples.
Sampling rules, AASHTO T 37
3. Asphalt mixes Asphalt mixes, Hot asphalt mix testing methods, Part  27 Sampling, BDS EN12697-27
Standard sampling methods for asphalt mixes – AASHTO T 168
4. Bitumen Petroleum-based bitumen. Average sample methods AASHTO T 40
Sampling bituminous binders, BDS EN58
5. Soils Standard mineral material sampling methods, AASHTO T 2
testing to determine the major characteristics of rock materials
Part 1. Sampling methods, BDS EN 932–1
6. Concrete Testing concrete mixes, BDS EN 12350–1. Part 1. Sampling concrete.
Monitoring and assessing strength, BDS 9673
testing hardened concrete, BDS EN 12390-2 Part 2. Preparing and aging test specimens
7. Cement Cement test methods, BDS EN 196-7 Part 7. Methods for taking and preparing cement samples for testing
8. Asphalt pavements Asphalt mixes. Hot asphalt mix testing methods. Part 27. Sampling,  BDSEN12697-27
9. Concrete products BDS EN 1338; BDS EN 1339; BDS EN 1340 – concrete blocks; slates; curbs. Technical tests. Test methods.

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