Production Capacity: 220 tons per hour
Production Capacity: 200 tons per hour
Production Capacity: 160 tons per hour
Production Capacity: 220 tons per hour
Production Capacity: 200 tons per hour
Production Capacity: 160 tons per hour
Our asphalt plants can produce all types of hot and cold asphalt mixes. Their equipment allows us to produce asphalt mixes with up to 25 % of recycled asphalt.
The UNIGLOBE 200 plant has five cold hoppers for various particulate sizes, a double hopper for dust and stone dust we manufacture, and a double hopper for the ready mix allowing us to store two different types of asphalt depending on the client’s preferences.
Each asphalt plant has its own bitumen storage facility with three separate electrically heated storage tanks with automated temperature control. Our asphalt mixers meet every global standard of quality and are duly certified. The plants employ cutting-edge worker health protection measures and safeguards. The asphalt plants operate under a quality management system implemented by us.
The microprocessor-controlled service management and process visualization system gives us a real-time view of all components of the installation. All dynamic processes inside the mixing sections are run by latest-generation software which visualizes them on a computer screen in real time.
One of the mixing section’s core components is the dust control system which reduces the dust expelled from the facility down to levels that are compliant with all applicable European environmental standards for production. The system relies on devices which constantly measure the particle count of the exhaust air.
The Company owns 10 asphalt facilities staffed with experienced personnel specializing in asphalt concrete compaction and equipped with machinery by leading global manufacturers. This ensures the top quality of execution of our work.
Уважаеми клиенти, партньори и приятели,
Считано от 04.10.2018 г. новото юридическо име на компанията е „Грома Холд“ ЕООД.
След повече от 23 години история зад гърба ни и над 300 изпълнени проекта, взехме решение да се ребрандираме и да сменим името си.
Основният ни мотив за промяната е желанието фирмената ни идентичност да
кореспондира със сектора, в който сме се позиционирали и с основната ни дейност.
Грома Холд ще продължи да се развива и да се стреми към качествено изпълнениe на възложените ѝ проекти.