Mining and processing aggregates is one of the Company’s core activities making sure its project- and production-related needs are always met.


Groma Hold has new, cutting-edge production facilities:

Agregate processing plant

The Powerscreen Aggregate Processing Plant at Belo Pole:

  • Production capacity: 500 tons per hour
  • The facility can produce 19 different types of particulates simultaneously
  • Production capacity for railroad-grade particulates: 800 tons
  • Input particulate range: 2 to 63 mm

Modern crushing installations

8 crusher units:

  • For initial and secondary processing
  • Total production capacity of over 3,000 tons per hour.

Processing plants

The Gyretmachinery Aggregate Processing Plant at Luchishte:

  • Production capacity: 500 tons per hour
  • Production of 19 different particulate types simultaneously
  • Input particulate range: 2 to 63 mm

Processing plants

The Gyretmachinery Aggregate Processing Plant at Buchaka:

  • Production capacity: 500 tons per hour
  • Input particulate range: 0/200

The steady supply of rock and river aggregate (gravel) is ensured by long-term concession agreements for a number of quarries and deposits.


Poleto North, village of Buchino, Blagoevgrad municipality

Type of material: Sands and gravel
Deposit estimate: Over 350 00 m3
Size: 0/200, 0/63, 0/4, 4/11.2, 11.2/22.4

Luchishte, village of Logodazh, Blagoevgrad municipality

Type of material: Dolomitized limestone
Deposit estimate: Over 4,000,000 m3
Size 0/200, 0/63, 0/40, 0/4, 4/8, 8/11.2,4/11.2 and 11.2/22.4

Buchaka, village of Buchino, Blagoevgrad municipality

Type of material: Gneiss, amphibolite
Deposit estimate: Over 1,500,000 m3
Size 0/200, 0/63, 31/63, 0/4, 4/18, 8/11.2,8/16 and 11.2/22.4

The combined production capacity for all types of aggregates is

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