Constructing and repairing water supply, sewage and gas distribution systems is among the Company’s core activities. We use cutting-edge, high-tech methods and materials.

Groma Hold owns and operates fully automated (CNC) machines for welding РЕ and РР pipes and fittings. This, combined with our highly qualified and vastly experienced teams is in itself a guarantee for the quality of execution.



The Company has implemented many projects co-financed through operative programs of the EU, the most notable of which include:

  • Reconstruction of water supply and sewer systems and repaving streets in Blagoevgrad;
  • Construction of a water supply system in the village of Dolno Osenovo, Simitli Municipality;
  • Construction of a water supply system in the village of Zheleznitsa, Simitli Municipality;
  • Construction of a sewer system in the village of Dolno Bulgarchevo, Blagoevgrad Municipality;
  • Construction of a water supply system in the District of Oranovo, Simitli Municipality;

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